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Operation Said MARAM
In a traffic accident in Morocco Said MARAM lost a leg. Since he was the only source of support for his extended family, Anne-Marie CARTER who heard about Said MARAM's story led a very successful fundraiser to fly Said MARAM to the United States, get Said the best surgeons in Oregon to operate on his badly damaged other leg, and get him the best leg prosthesis so he could regain full employment. In 1994, Anne-Marie' CARTER incorporated FNT in the State of Georgia. She now works in New York for Davis Polk and Wardwell, a prestigious international law Firm
Project Coordinator: Anna-Marie' CARTER
Project duration: Fall 2002 - Spring 2004
Funded by private donations (New York, Seattle, Atlanta, USA)

Support of MUGONERO and KIBUYE Hospitals in Rwanda
US Project Coordinators: Sylvia BARBOSA & Joilo BARBOSA
Rwanda Project Coordinator: Gerald MPYISI
Project duration: April 2000 - Summer 2003
Funded: U.S. Department of Defense, US Department of States, ADRA Denmark, and 10 private donations were made to the Project Equipment and medical donations from Hospitals in and around Atlanta Warehousing: MedShare International (Atlanta, USA)

Pilot Project for the Humanitarian Relief Operation BLUE UMBRELLA
US Project Coordinator: Cheryl WILLIAMS
Burundi Project Coordinator: Léonard NDUWAYO
Project duration: September 1996 - September 1997
In-kind-donations: Eli LILLY & Company (Indianapolis, USA). In-House-Physicians (Atlanta, GA)

The Humanitarian Relief Operation BLUE UMBRELLA
US Project Coordinator: Cheryl WILLIAMS
Burundi Project Coordinator: Léonard NDUWAHO
Project duration: September 1996 - September 1997


The Research Proposal for the Investigation of Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulence-associated factors by subtractive hybridization
Principal Investigator: Dr. Hal KING
Project duration: 1995-1998
Funded by the World Health Organization (WHO/Geneva, Switzerland)

The Research Proposal for the Investigation of An Epidemiological Study of Tuberculosis along the United States/Mexico Border
Principal Investigator: Dr. Gerald MAZUREK
Project duration: 1996-1998
Funded by the Lizanell & Colbert Coldwell Foundation (El Paso, Texas, USA)

The Research Proposal for the Investigation of Mycobacterium Barrier Vaccines
Principal Investigator: Dr. Gerald MAZUREK
Project duration: 1996-1998
Funded by the Lizanell & Colbert Coldwell Foundation (El Paso, Texas, USA)

The Research Proposal for the Investigation of Mycobacterial drug resistance
Principal Investigator: Dr. Fred QUINN
Project duration: 1996-1997
Funded by the American Lung Association (USA)

Designing the Research Proposal for the Investigation of Dietary Supplementation with Potassium Chicano in the Management of Sickle Cell Disease
Principal Investigator: Dr. William RICHARDSON
Project duration: 1996
Funded through private donations (Atlanta, GA).