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Atlanta 1996 Centennial Foundation

Milestones since 1993 . . .

Stan Mullins Painting


Summer: Rwanda Ministry of Health invites the Atlanta Consulting Firm, Afrique Santé & Environnement, LLC to develop the Post War Rehabilitation & Development Program (PWRDP).

October: The FNT concept is established.

November: Stan MULLINS makes his first trip to Rwanda.

December: The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) is the 1st organization to fund the PWRDP.

FNT logo


April 6 at 20:35: The of war and genocide in Rwanda has begun.

April 12: Dr. Marc-Daniel GUTEKUNST arrives in Paris with the 5 orphaned children of slained Prime Minister of Rwanda, HE Agathe UWILINGYIMANA.

May 23: FNT officially registered with Georgia Secretary of State as a non-profit organization.

May 31: UN Senegalese Captain Diagne MBAYE killed in Rwanda while on his way to save a family.

DeKalb Classic


May: Rwanda Ambassador to the United States HE Joseph MUTABOBA visits Atlanta.

September: FNT awarded it's first competitive grant from WHO.

October: FNT is awarded tax-exempt status by U.S. Department of Treasury.

Opening of the DITC


July 15: FNT, former Atlanta Mayor Maynard JACKSON, Martin Luther King III host a reception to honor Burundi Olympic Team and the 5 athletes competing at the Atlanta 1996 Centennial Olympic Games.

August 3: Vénuste NYIONGABO of Burundi wins Gold running the 5000m during the Atlanta 1996 Centennial Olympic Games. Vénuste NYIONGABO is awarded his Olympic Gold medal by Prince Albert of MONACO.

August 4: Prince Albert of MONACO and Dr. Marc-Daniel GUTEKUNST establish the DITC concept.

September: President Pierre BUYOYA of Burundi requests FNT to assist with humanitarian efforts in his country.

Stan Mullins Painting


April: A plane load of Blue Umbrella humanitarian support leaves Detroit for Burundi.

May: FNT Europe is established.

August: The RwandaOnline Program UNDP is funded. Gerald MPYISI travels to ATLANTA to train.


Fall: The Majii and the Mountain Gorillas of Rwanda project starts at the Fernbank Elementary School in DeKalb County in the State of Georgia. Stan MULLINS starts giving weekly art lessons on the wildlife and the mountain gorillas of Rwanda.


September: FNT hosts HE President Lansana CONTE, President of the Republic of Guinea. President CONTE meets President Jimmy CARTER, Emory University President Dr. William CHACE, and visits the Martin Luther King Jr. Center.


March 4: The book Majii and the Mountain Gorillas of Rwanda is released from press featuring 36 drawings (over 900 drawings had been selected to the art Jury for selection in the book) from Fernbank Elementary School students.

March 5: Rwanda Ambassador to the UN Dr. Joseph MUTABOBA is the keynote speaker at Concert at Glenn Memorial of EMORY University celebrating the release of the Majii and the Mountain Gorillas of Rwanda book with a Concert by HARMONY Atlanta's Youth Chorus in Residency at Emory University.

April 10: President Jimmy CARTER invites Dr. Marc-Daniel GUTEKUNST to lunch at the Carter Center to present his first children's book.

April 14: Dr. Marc-Daniel GUTEKUNST is invited to meet United States President Bill CLINTON.

Summer: The Gertrude & William C. WARDLAW Fund makes the first financial commitment to support the creation of the DITC.

November: Mr. Vernon JONES is elected Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the DeKalb County Government.

Dekalb County


Spring: FNT enters into a partnership with the DeKalb County Government to establish the DeKalb International Training Center (DITC).

Summer: Start of Rehabilitation of the main DITC building at Brook Run.

October: The FNT delegation meets in Lausanne, Switzerland with International Olympic Committee (IOC) Solidarity Program Director Mr. Pere MIRO.

December: HE Abdoulaye WADE, President of Senegal meets with the FNT delegation.

Opening of the DITC


March: The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) conducts the 1st site visit of the DITC and institutional partners.

May 6: The official Inauguration of the DITC by Ambassador Andrew YOUNG, former Mayor of Atlanta and former Co-Chair of the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games (ACOG).

June: The first aspiring Olympian from Burundi arrives to train at the DITC.

June-July: Pre Kingston IAAF Junior Championship DITC Training Camp.

September 20: The official Opening of the DITC by its Co-Founder and Honorary Chair, Prince Albert of MONACO.

Opening of the DITC


January 24: The DITC-WOA Agreement is signed in the Pierre de COUBERTIN Board room of the IOC headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland.

May 9: The USOC recognizes the DITC.

July: Syndiély WADE, Special Advisor to President Abdoulaye WADE of Senegal makes a special visit to Atlanta to visit the DITC.

August 11: Ambassador Andrew YOUNG becomes Co-Chair of both FNT and the DITC.

August 30: Prince Albert of MONACO hosts a DITC meeting with representatives of 14 countries during the Paris World Championship.

September: Dr. Marc-Daniel GUTEKUNST attends ANOCA General Assembly in Banjul, The Gambia.

September: FNT West Africa and the DITC sponsor the WOA Africa 1st Regional meeting held in Dakar, Senegal.

October 31 : The DITC-AAC Agreement is signed during the AFRO-ASIAN Games held in Hyderabad, India.

December: Dr. Marc-Daniel GUTEKUNST reports on the DITC during the WOA General Assembly in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Stan Mullins Painting


January: U.S. Ambassador C. David WELCH to Egypt secures scholarships for 3 Egyptians to train at the DITC in preparation of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.

February: The Government of Gabon sends athletes to the DITC in preparation of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.

May 22: The DITC hosts the 1st edition of the DeKalb International Prep Classic (DeKalb Classic) on the George C. Griffin Track of GA Institute of Technology (GA Tech).

June 13-24: The 2004 FNT & DITC European Tour to France, Switzerland, Italy and Monaco.

July: 4 DITC trained athletes qualify for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.

August 13-29: Athens 2004 Olympic Games.

August 23: The DITC hosts a reception at the VISA Olympians Reunion Center. Prince Albert of MONACO and CEO Vernon JONES unveil DITC's first Olympic painting by Steve R. ALLEN.

August 28: A DITC trained athlete wins an Olympic Bronze medal.

DeKalb Classic


January 2-8: 2004 Olympic Champion Françoise MBANGO ETONE (CMR) visits the DITC. She is offered a full scholarship to further her education and train at the DITC in preparation of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

January 13: Opening of Steve ALLEN's exhibit at USOC Hall of Fame.

March 13 : Ambassador Andrew YOUNG's Birthday Celebration.

May 26: DITC's presentation at CANOC General Assembly in Miami.

May 27: The 2005 2nd edition of the DeKalb International Prep Classic at GA Tech.

June 12-26: 2005 FNT & DITC Mexican Tour.

June 17-18: DITC attends ANOCA's General Assembly in Accra, Ghana. General Lassana PALENFO is elected President of ANOCA.

July 4-8: 3 DITC Executive Board Members are part of the NYC 2012 delegation during the IOC 117th Session in Singapore.

July 8: Meeting in Singapore of the DITC Executive Board with Prince Albert II of MONACO.

August 31 - Sept. 3: DITC co-hosts TUNIS 2005: The 7th African Junior Athletics Championships.

September 9 : DITC attends the 1st. World Conference on Poverty Alleviation through Tourism & Sports held in Monte Carlo.

October 26: The Monaco Olympic Training Center (MOTC) and the DITC Representatives meeting with Prince Albert II of MONACO in Monaco.

November 21-25: DITC attends ANOCA's 1st FORUM held in Tunis, Tunisia.

Torino 2006


Torino (Italy) February 9 - 26: The DITC attends the Torino 2006 Olympic Games. The DITC has a permanent display at the VISA Olympians Reunion Center.

Torino (Italy) February 15: The DITC unveils its 2nd Olympic painting "The DITC Olympian Legacy" by Olympic artist Steve R. ALLEN.

Seoul (South Korea) April 1-5: Five representatives from the DITC attend the 5th ANOC General Assembly.

Reduit (Mauritius) April 8: Two members from the DITC attend the Mauritius Pan African Track Competition.

Bamako (Mali) April 13 The DITC attends and sponsors the Bamako Pan African Track Competition.

Santa Domingo (Dominican Republic) October 19-22: The DITC attends the 1s Olympians Summit of the Americas.

Rabat (Morocco) October 28-29: The DITC attends and presents a paper at the 1st International Symposium on Athletics in Africa.

Tripoli (Libya) November 24-25: The DITC attends the 2nd African Olympian Seminar.

Dekalb County


Decatur (USA) March 13: The DeKalb County Board of Commissioners vote paves the way to USOC Agreement. The DITC becomes DeKalb County official "Sports Authority" through March 2010.

Santiago (Chile) April 4-8: DITC attends the Pan American Team Handball qualifying matches for the Pan American Games.

Atlanta April 5-28: The Dominican Republic Track & Field Relay Team trains at the DITC.

Atlanta-Colorado Springs July 1: The DITC becomes the USOC designated training site for US Team Handball Men National Team.

Guatemala City (Guatemala) July 4-6: Dr Marc-Daniel GUTEKUNST attends and the 119th IOC Session. Prince Albert II of MONACO maintains his patronage of the DITC.

Atlanta July 14: 28 Chinese Olympic, Sports Ministry and representatives of several sports Federations visit the DITC Olympic campus.

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) July 14-18: The DITC attends the Pan American Games.

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil July 16: The Pan American Team Handball Federation selects the DITC to host the 2008 Pan American Team Handball Championships.

Berlin (Germany) August 14: The DITC and BPEF, Inc. are selected to host in Atlanta the 2009 Modern Pentathlon World Cup II (March 19-21, 2009).

Atlanta October 1: The DITC adopts a new name and becomes the Atlanta DeKalb International Training Center (ATLANTA DITC).

Atlanta October 20: The DITC-Morris Brown College (MBC) Partnership to use the John H. Lewis SAC of MBC for the training of the US Team Handball Men National Team players is approved by the MBC Board of Trustees.

Atlanta November 8: The 1st day of practice for the US Team Handball Men National Team at the John H. Lewis SAC of MBC.

Rabat (Morocco) December 15 : The DITC presents a paper at the 2nd International Symposium on Athletics in Africa in Rabat, Morocco.

Washington, D.C. December 18: The DITC language is included in the Omnibus Bill passed by the US Congress.

Washington, D.C. December 26: President George Bush signs into law the Omnibus Bill that contains DITC language for a scholarship program.

Dekalb County


Atlanta January 11-13: The ATLANTA DITC hosts the 1st National US Team Handball Tryout to have been held in 4 years.

Colorado Springs January 16: ATLANTA DITC attends the 2nd USOC Public hearing for Modern Pentathlon. ATLANTA DITC is part of the BPEF's BID to become US Pentathlon.

Atlanta February 14-17: ATLANTA DITC Pole Vaulting Clinics by Coach Denis Kholev during the GA Track & Field Coaches Association Forum.

Atlanta February 14-17: Netherlands Antilles World Class Athlete Churandy Martina at the ATLANTA DITC for testing and training.

Beijing (China) April 4-10: ATLANTA DITC attends the XVI General Assembly of the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC).

Atlanta May 24: The ATLANTA DITC hosts the 5th edition of the ATLANTA CLASSIC. The 5th Edition was the best ever with IOC Member Mr. Melitón SÁNCHEZ RIVAS from PANAMA as our guest of honor.

Arusha (Tanzania) June 2-8: ATLANTA DITC Co-Chair Ambassador Andrew YOUNG Co-Chaired the 8th Leon Sullivan Summit in Arusha, Tanzania. This was a unique opportunity for both Ambassador Andrew YOUNG and Dr. Marc-Daniel GUTEKUNST to promote the ATLANTA DITC to the African continent.

Beijing (China) August 4-31: A large delegation from the ATLANTA DITC traveled to Beijing to promote the ATLANTA DITC during the the Games of the XXIX Olympiad. The ATLANTA DITC had a permanent presence and display at the Visa Olympians Reunion Center located at the Prince Jun Wang Fu Palace.

Beijing (China) August 14: ATLANTA DITC hosted the Atlanta Legacy Night and awarded 6 ATLANTA DITC PARSE Awards to Mr. Mario VÁZQUEZ RAÑA (Mexico), General Lassana PALENFO (Ivory Coast), HRH Prince Feisal AL HUSSEIN (Jordan), Dean GREENAWAY (British Virgin Islands), Joel BOUZOU (France), and Essar GABRIEL (Lebanon/France).  The ATLANTA DITC 2008 LEGACY Award went to Bob BEAMON.

Beijing (China) August 26: At the Prince Jun Wang Fu Palace, the ATLANTA DITC presented to the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG) and the City of Beijing a painting "A Bridge of Friendship from Atlanta to Beijing" specifically created by US Olympic Artist Steve R. Allen. The symbol of peace, sport and friendship. ATLANTA DITC's 3rd Olympic painting was officially donated by the ATLANTA DITC to Mr. Zhou ZHENGBO from the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad.

Torino 2006


Europe (France, Switzerland, UK) May 10-21:While in Europe, ATLANTA DITC representatives met: IOC President Chief of Staff and IOC Director of International Relations at The Château Vidy (Lausanne, Switzerland), WHO Assistant Director General at WHO Headquarters (Geneva, Switzerland), East London University Olympic Program Team (London, UK), Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University (UCBL1) Research and Sports Innovation Center (CRIS) Team (Lyon, France), FILA President (Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland), and attended at The OLYMPIC Museum (Lausanne, Switzerland) the opening of Jean-Blaise EVEQUOZ's art display.

Atlanta May 30: The ATLANTA DITC hosted at the George C. Griffin Track on the campus of GA Tech the 6th Edition of the ATLANTA CLASSIC with some of the top seeded US athletes in attendance. Since 2004, over 1600 athletes from 12 US States and 18 nations have competed at the ATLANTA CLASSIC.

Venice (Italy) June 21-24: The World Health Organization (WHO) invited the ATLANTA DITC to attend a pre G8 Summit (to be held in L'Aquilla, Italy from 8 to 10 July 2009) High-level Dialogue on Maximizing Positive Synergies Between Health Systems and Global Health Initiatives.

Atlanta September 1: Congressman John LEWIS (Georgia’s 5th Congressional District) meets with the ATLANTA DITC CEO and the COO. 

Atlanta September 25: Leading to the London 2012 and Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games, the Emory Sports Medicine Center of Emory University will provide state of the art sports medicine and a full scale of therapy services to athletes training with the ATLANTA DITC.

Atlanta October 15: United States Senator Johnny ISAKSON maintains his full support of the ATLANTA DITC. He will again support an ATLANTA DITC appropriation request.

Atlanta October 30: IOC Member & USOC Board Member James L. EASTON's visits the ATLANTA DITC to see DeKalb County properties where he could establish an EASTON-ATLANTA DITC Archery Center of Excellence of DeKalb County.

Beijing (China) November 11-21: The ATLANTA DITC attended the World Union of Olympic Cities (WUOC) Lausanne 2009 Summit (November 19-21, 2009) and made a presentation on November 21, 2009.

Dekalb County


Atlanta January 5: Alston & Bird LLP will provide the ATLANTA DITC its new corporate headquarters. James G. FARRIS, Jr. Esq. a Partner with Alston & Bird will serve as General Counsel to the ATLANTA DITC and Forging New Tomorrows, Inc. (FNT).

Vancouver (Canada) February 12-15: The ATLANTA DITC Team attends the beginning of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games, and attends the WUOC function for Olympic Cities. 

Atlanta May 5-7:During a 3 days Atlanta visit, WUOC President Mayor Daniel BRELAZ meets Atlanta Mayor Kasim REED, visits the ATLANTA DITC campus at Brook Run, meets some of the ATLANTA DITC Institutional Partners, and celebrates the 8th Anniversary of the ATLANTA DITC.

Atlanta May 6: On May 6, 2002, Ambassador Andrew YOUNG inaugurated the ATLANTA DITC. Eight years later, 1855 athletes from 34 nations had trained and competed with the ATLANTA DITC.

Atlanta September 21: Georgia Perimeter College (GPC) and ATLANTA DITC entered into an agreement so athletes in training with the ATLANTA DITC can complete a Associate Degree with only one required semester in residency and the 3 others on-line.

Beijing (China) October 14-16: The ATLANTA DITC represented Atlanta Mayor Kasim REED and the City of Atlanta at the 3rd Lausanne Summit-Beijing 2012 of the World Union of Olympic Cities (WUOC).  The Lausanne Summit-Beijing 2010 was organized by the City of Lausanne, the Olympic Capital and the City of Beijing host of the XXIX Olympiad.  

US Team Handball


Atlanta January 6: The ATLANTA DITC Team briefs the Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed on the World Union of Olympic Cities (WUOC) Lausanne Summit-Beijing 2010 held in Beijing, China (October 14-16, 2010).

Fort Myers March 4-6: ATLANTA DITC Co-Founders Prince Albert and Marc-Daniel Gutekunst, and ATLANTA DITC Board Members Amadou Dia Ba, Liston Bochette and Rob Stull were in Fort Myers to attend the Official Opening of the Art of the Olympians (AOTO) Museum and the Al Oerter Center of Excellence.

Geneva (Switzerland) September 19: The Global Fund High-Level Panel report was released today.  In addition to the Panel co-chairs Former US HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt and former Botswana President Festus Mogae, the High-Level Panel was comprised of 5 other High-Panel members. At the invitation of the High-Level Panel co-chairs Dr. Marc-Daniel Gutekunst and Richard Butcher served (April - September, 2011) on the High-Level Panel Support Team that comprised of 7 members.

New York City October 28: This morning at 9 AM, Richard Butcher, ATLANTA DITC's Senior VP for Sports-International-Government (SIG) Relations gave an invited keynote during the Russian Business Investment Summit held at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

Atlanta November 4: A Beijing Sport University (BSU) & Sports Officials Training Center of General Administration of Sports of China Delegation led by BSU Vice President Dr. Wang Fen met all day with the ATLANTA DITC and our institutional partners.

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) November 8-13: The ATLANTA DITC delegation attended and represented HE Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed and the City of Atlanta at the 4th World Union of Olympic Cities (WUOC) Lausanne Summit and WUOC Annual General Assembly. 

Lausanne (Switzerland) November 27: Congratulations to Amadou Dia Ba (Senegal - 1988 Olympic Silver medallist) and Liston Bochette (Puerto Rico - 4 time Olympian), two ATLANTA DITC Board Members, on their election today to the World Olympians Association (WOA) Board of Directors.  Amadou Dia Ba will serve as WOA Vice-President and Liston Bochette will serve on the WOA Executive Board.  Joël Bouzou (France - 1984 Olympic Bronze medallist) who is one of the recipients of the ATLANTA DITC 2008 PARSE Award, was elected President of the WOA.

US Team Handball


Monaco January 13: ATLANTA DITC Co-Founder & Honorary Chair Prince Albert II of Monaco becomes the new Patron of the World Olympians Association (WOA). 

Atlanta July 1: The ATLANTA DITC name is changed to ATLANTA 1996.

London (UK) July 25 – August 12: The London 2012 WUOC House™ created and managed by the ATLANTA 1996 is the official venue for the 46 Olympic cities that hosted since 1896 the Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games (YOG), and also cities that will host future Olympic Games and YOG (Sochi 2014, Nanjing 2014 YOG, Lillehammer 2016 YOG, Rio de Janeiro 2016, and PyeongChang 2018).  The World Union of Olympic Cities (WUOC) mandated ATLANTA 1996 to create and manage the London 2012 WUOC House™.

London (UK) August 8: IOC President Dr. Jacques ROGGE attended the official inauguration of the London 2012 WUOC House™ and Lausanne Olympic Capital Reception --a successful first for the London 2012 WUOC House™

Lausanne (Switzerland) September 30-October 2: During the World Union of Olympic Cities (WUCO) Lausanne Summit (September 30 - October 2, 2012) held in the Olympic capital of Lausanne (Switzerland), the ATLANTA 1996 delegation gave a detailed report on the successful operation of the London 2012 WUOC House™ - Maison UMVO Londres 2012™ (July 25 – August 12, 2012) during the London 2012 Olympic Games (July 27 - August 12, 2012).

US Team Handball


Atlanta (USA), Frankfurt (Germany) March 11: The Association for International Sports for All (TAFISA) and the ATLANTA 1996 have entered a partnership to develop and implement by 2014 the TAFISA-ATLANTA 1996 Pilot Wellness Program with ATLANTA 1996 twenty three (23) institutional Partners (IP) in the State of Georgia, USA.

Atlanta (USA), Toronto (Canada), Lausanne (Switzerland) June: The International Federation of Sports Chiropractic - Fédération Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport  (FICS) partners with the ATLANTA 1996 to work on the various ATLANTA 1996 programs including establishing a scholarship program for athletes from around the world to become Doctor of Chiropractic (DC).

Atlanta August 4:17 years ago, on August 4, 1996, both Albert GRIMALDI and Marc-Daniel GUTEKUNST created the ATLANTA 1996 concept.  The dream turned into reality when on May 6, 2002 Ambassador Andrew YOUNG inaugurated the ATLANTA 1996 with representatives from the 10 founding countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Eritrea, Macedonia, Madagascar, Mali, Rwanda, Sao Tome & Principe, and the Seychelles. Since 2002, over 2000 athletes from 53 nations trained and competed with the ATLANTA 1996.